We offer time saving task specific tools for grounds maintenance tasks with high value for money.
Quality is never an accident
High quality does not happen without a lot of effort and it happens only thanks to a lot of effort made in groundwork, planning, engineering, design and the use of best materials while producing and assembling the items. Careful planning and customer centric design is what sets us apart from the rest. It is not an accident that Foresteel products are of high quality and come with tremendously increased efficiency. We listen to our customers, and are our own customers too. Therefor the amazing balance in compactness, quality and price.
Dealers in
16 countries
Products used in
20 countries
Customer satisfaction
Meet Foresteel
And the Foresteel way
Euroopa Tüübikinnitus ja Vastavusdeklaratisoon
Meil on hea meel teatada Foresteel kallurhaagiste ja lehekoristushaagiste olulisest verstapostist:
Oleme omandanud EL-i tüübikinnituse sertifikaadi, mis tähendab, et haagisteseeria on varustatud pidurisüsteemidega ning vastavad Euroopaülestele rangetele tänavalegaalsuse nõuetele ning on registreeritavad kogu Euroopa Liidus!
“Meie eesmärk oli luua lahendus, mis täidaks tühimiku kallite, kõrgtehnoloogiliste professionaalsete seadmete ja väikeste, kodukasutuse-tarbijaklassi alternatiivide vahel,” selgitab Argo Rossner, tegevjuht. “Foresteeli imurhaagised teevad just seda, pakkudes esmaklassilist jõudlust ja paindlikkust taskukohase hinnaga. Rääkimata nende 2-ühes disainist, mis sisuliselt annab klientidele kaks toodet ühe hinnaga.“
Fotol: Argo Rossner (paremal) ja Alar Annuk (vasakul), meie tegevjuht ja finantsjuht, esitlemas haagiste taustal EL-i tüübikinnituse sertifikaati.
What we do
At Foresteel we specialize in making tipping trailers, leaf trailers, mobile watering and pressure washing equipment for municipalities, groundskeepers, horticulture and green care enthusiasts, park maintenance companies, property managers, and hobby users around the world. Our designed leaf vacuum solutions help clear leaves during the autumn and spring season, clean turf areas of mowed grass and debris, and make park and greens maintenance simpler and easier than ever before. Since you would not need a lot of employees to do the tasks, moreover maintenance and operations with a product will take only 2 hours and the product durability cycle is at least 10 years.
Our method
Our whole product range is designed to be easily transportable and simple to use. At Foresteel up-to-date technologies are used to design, develop and produce the product series. In design, the latest CAD software is being used to best optimize our product’s strength and parameters. We use high-precision production technologies like laser cutting and CNC bending to offer premium quality products to our customers.To ensure long-term quality, we invest a lot of work into high-quality manufacture. All welding and construction designs are based on ISO standards.
Our mission
Our mission is to offer time-saving task-specific tools for ground maintenance tasks with high value for money. Our Leaf Trailers are compact and an efficient way of cleaning yards and park areas of leaves and debris.
With constant product development, we aim to surpass the needs of our customers and always supplement our product series with a wide selection of accessories to allow our product users to make their investments more multifunctional and profitable.
Our mission at Foresteel is to offer customers time & employee-saving equipment, which is affordable and ecological.
Our values
This is what we put in our products and what YOU get.
Our consumer
First priority is the customer. We live by this value and consider the consumer in every decision we make, no matter how big or small. Foresteel puts itself in the shoes of the customer to improve their experience.
Act with Integrity
In all of our transactions, we are honest and forthright. Building trust leads to a more successful business. We demonstrate the functionality of our items and never oversell.
We provide exceptional products and superior service to our consumers, resulting in premium value.
We all know that making simple things is difficult. Foresteel fights complexity, sweats the details, and chooses to provide our consumers with simple-yet-great experiences.
Learning is everlasting
We are enthusiastic learners that strive to constantly grow and innovate. We don’t mind making mistakes. We get knowledge from others as well as our own trials and triumphs.
Personal Accountability
We are personally accountable for delivering on our commitments.
Our story
How we started and where are we goining.
Foresteel is a manufacturing firm based in Tartu, Estonia, that focuses on designing and supplying easy-to-use and durable equipment for ground maintenance chores. We manufacture tipping trailers, leaf cleanup trailers, mobile watering, and mobile pressure washing equipment.
With continual product development, we seek to exceed our customers’ expectations and always supplement our product series with a wide range of accessories to help our customers to get the most out of their investments.
We now operate in 16 countries, the most of which are in Europe, as well as the United States and Canada. 90% of our output is exported.
With constant product development we aim to surpass the needs of our customers and always supplement our product series’ with wide selection of accessories to allow our product users to make their investments more multifunctional and profitable.
Our vision is to be Europe’s leading supplier of trailers and leaf trailers, mobile watering and pressure washing equipment for grounds management sector customers.
Today, we are operating in 16 countries — most of them across Europe, and also in the USA and Canada. 90% of our production is exported.
We are members of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI).
Foresteeli eesmärk on olla tõhus ja kvaliteetne
Foresteel põhiväärtused
Tänu masinale saavutatud tööefektiivsuse 4–5-kordne tõus vabastab aega olulisemate asjade tegemiseks.
— Pühajärve SPA
Olen ostuga väga rahul. Kasutame FT-600 Lehehaagist murutraktori ja aeg-ajalt ka ATVga, et hooldada ja puhastada rohkete puudega mõisaparki. Niidudekiga ühenduses olevana teeme ka pargialal niitmist ja kogumist, et hoida osad murualad täiesti puhtad ja prahitud.
— Mõisapark, Eraklient
Vedasime täna ära 15 täispakitud kärutäit lehti! Vau! Leheimur saab tõeliselt vatti, mida ta ka väärib! Ja nii iga päev.
— Västerlövsta kirik, Rootsi
Ma olen oma Foresteeliga super rahul ja just hiljuti sain taas kinnitust, et tegin õige valiku. Lihtsalt suurepärane.
Antonio Z., Itaalia
Olen käruga rahul. Käru on tasakaalus ja toimetab hästi. Valisin alguses käsipumbaga hüdrolisa, aga vahetasin mugavama elektrohüdraulika vastu hiljem välja. Samuti tellisin hiljem juurde kruusaluugi ja metsapostide komplekti.
— Priit V., Eraklient
Korralik konstruktsioon ja kvaliteetsed keevised. Kohe näha, et masin on loodud kestma. Istub hästi ATV rööpmes ja tuleb väga hästi järgi, nii teedel, maastikul kui metsas. OK suurus mu CF1000le. Platvormkast on isegi mugavam kasutada kui arvasin. Kui võimalik, soovitan kindlasti kõrgendused juurde võtta.
— Arno P, Eraklient
Olen soetusega väga rahul. Haagis on väga kvaliteetne! Soetasime FT-2200 John Deere 3025E jaoks väikeses talumajapidamiseks erinevateks töödeks, halgude vedamiseks ja muu sarnase vedamiseks. Ostaksin Foresteeli tooteid kindlasti uuesti!
— Tamar T., Eraklient
Saku valla Haldusspetsialist Marek Ploompuu ja haljastuse peaspetsialist Joel Villem võtmas vastu Foresteel FTW-600E emissioonivaba vaikset kastmislahendust valla haljasalade kastmiseks. Elektrilised pumbalahendused tagavad elukeskkonda minimaalselt häiriva töö.
— Omavalitsus, Saku vald
Töötame ligikauud kolm korda kiiremini. Teeme sama töö ühe mehega kiiremini kui varasemalt 3 mehega manuaalselt.
— Kinnisvarahaldus, Tartu
FT-2200 aitab meil rohkem tegemise asemel töötada targemalt - meil õnnestus golfiväljakul puhastada kaks väljakuala vähem kui ühe päevaga. Varasemalt võttis sama töö aega kaks päeva ja nõudis poole suuremat töötajate panust. Tänu Foresteeli haagisele saame nüüd palju rohkem tegevusi tehtud aastaajal, mil peame olema väiksemate töötajate arvu tõttu väga efektiivsed.